Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Decklist - Cascade Modern

Arg, I still need to post the weird luck-sacking that was my Game Day. In the meantime, something casual. I've had it around for a long time, but seeing as how it's one of my Planechase decks, and a new Planechase set came out...

Resonance Cascade
---Land (26)---
3 Arcane Sanctum
4 Crumbling Necropolis
2 Gemstone Caverns
4 Jungle Shrine
2 Mirrodin's Core
3 Reflecting Pool
4 Savage Lands
4 Seaside Citadel 

---Creatures (10)---
4 Bloodbraid Elf
1 Enigma Sphinx
3 Enlisted Wurm
2 Mulldrifter

---Instants/Sorceries (22)---
4 Bituminous Blast
4 Blightning
4 Captured Sunlight
3 Deny Reality
4 Esper Charm
1 Maelstrom Pulse
2 Mnemonic Nexus

---Noncreature Permanents (2)---
1 Maelstrom Nexus
1 Obelisk of Alara

General Breakdown:
The deck's goal is to abuse cascade, ultimately ending on discard spells most of the time (88% of the time when cascading from cc4). Later, half of the discard (Esper Charm) spells can switch over to card draw, further increasing the card advantage gap. The other half (Blightning) has a built-in Lava Spike, giving it a long term use and enabling a sense of inevitability.

I won't go into to much detail this time around, but I'll make a few notes still;
 - The few lands that come into play untapped are intended to do so to help get casting earlier. The deck is a slower one otherwise.
 - For the above reason, Captured Sunlight is important.
 - Mnemonic Nexus is a vital provider of recursion. It restocks the dangerous spells while also screwing around with some Modern-archetype strategies.
 - Obelisk of Alara and Maelstrom Nexus are fun little add-ins. One gives me late-game shenanigans, the other makes the deck feel like the Half-Life reference that is the deck title.

Now, the above list is what I consider to be the "competitive version." Blightnings can be hell in multiplayer, and Mnemonic Nexuses turn a neutral game into one that lasts for hours. So here's my quick modifications for multiplayer, namely Planechase:
 - 4 Blightning, -4 Esper Charm, -2 Mnemonic Nexus
 +2 Sprouting Thrinax, +2 Rhox War Monk, +2 Wooly Thoctar, +1 Tamanoa, +1 Knight of New Alara, +2 Primal Command

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