Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Deck Concept - Red Deck Wins [Ru]

I've decided to try regularly submitting decks to the ReConstructed Column on Wizards' web site. Figured it'd be a good way to both get the Creative juices flowing and encourage at least weekly posts.

This week's article (linked above), asked for Innistrad Block submissions. So with very little knowledge of the general metagame in the format, I threw this together:

Red Deck Wins (or at Least Draws a Lot)
---Lands (22)---
15 Mountain
2 Desolate Lighthouse
1 Island
4 Sulfur Falls

---Creatures (14)---
3 Lightning Mauler
2 Pyreheart Wolf
3 Reckless Waif
2 Torch Fiend
4 Vexing Devil

---Instants / Sorceries (21)---
1 Bonfire of the Damned
2 Brimstone Volley
4 Dangerous Wager
3 Desperate Ravings
1 Devil's Play
4 Faithless Looting
4 Pillar of Flame
2 Thunderbolt

---The Flourish (3)---
3 Runechanter's Pike

General Breakdown:
 The Land: Yeah, it strays from pure red. Thank Desperate Ravings for that. At least I didn't throw any blue in the deck. Suck on that Delver.

Faithless Looting, Desperate Ravings, Dangerous Wager: The draw. The idea's to empty your hand as fast as possible for the Gambit. Looting's for filtering into things you want to play, and Gambit's just more draw in general.

Pillar of Flame, Thunderbolt, Devil's Play, Brimstone Volley: The burn. Preferably on those annoying things that like to block your ever-aggressive minions.

Bonfire of the Damned: For erasing those little annoyances en masse.

Runechanter's Pike: See all those noncreature spells I just barely brushed over? Yeah, this if for taking advantage of their crispy shells. And it lasts longer than Harvest Pyre.

Vexing Devil: Ah, we've hit the meat of the deck. Somewhat. This minion acts a great burn spell or a soon-dead critter, depending on what's less inconvenient for your opponent. Still inconvenient.

Reckless Waif: The poor girl, this deck leaves her fairly conflicted. Early game she can be rather angry, but after the draw spells start up she'll probably calm down. Still pretty handy with a Pike.

Lightning Mauler: For giving things haste, I think. Meh.

Torch Fiend: Not a bad body. Kick this minion at any unpleasant artifacts your foes show you.

Pyreheart Wolf: Of course I'd save the most annoying creature for last. I'm sure a Pike on him will annoy most token decks.

"Oh noes, my ice cream!"

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