Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Deck Concept - Brain Surgery [BW]

Another ReConstructed submission, this one called for anything Standard.
Also, I'm highly tempted to test-run it at FNM for kicks.

The basis of the deck is proactive control; using effects that take out threats before they hit play. And in case I fail to neutralize a particular annoyance, nuke the field and see if they can try again. Here's how it looks right now:

Brain Surgery aka Lobotomies for Everyone!
---Lands (25)---
9 Plains
9 Swamp
4 Evolving Wilds
2 Ghost Quarter
1 Vault of the Archangel

---Instants / Sorceries (22)---
3 Black Sun's Zenith
3 Day of Judgment
1 Despise
4 Gitaxian Probe
2 Memoricide
4 Surgical Extraction
3 Timely Reinforcements
2 White Sun's Zenith

---Permanents (13)---
2 Batterskull
1 Gideon Jura
1 Karn Liberated
2 Mimic Vat
3 Nevermore
3 Oblivion Ring
1 Wurmcoil Engine

General Breakdown:
The Land: The most iffy part of the deck in my opinion, only because I lack Isolated Chapels. Ghost Quarter is against "shenanigan lands," though I do wish I had been able to squeeze in a Sun Titan to help abuse it. And Vault of the Archangel is kept to a minimum from my fears of mana fixing needs.

The Sweep: Black Sun's Zenith and Day of Judgment are my primary board controllers. Taking up a tenth of the deck, I rely on them to keep me around after my first few turns of setting up / information gathering.

The Recon: Despise and Gitaxian Probe let me know what's in their hand. I'd play more Despise if I could find room, but I can at least console myself with more on the imaginary sideboard. For now, shooting a Surgical Extraction at a random graveyard card will suffice while giving me a bigger picture.

The Removal: Memoricide and Surgical Extraction eat threats for good, and Nevermore curses them with having to stare at cards they can never play. Oblivion Ring takes care of confirmed one-of threats and more than likely early game annoyances. Karn gets the later threats (Fun Note: His +4 alleviates the earlier mentioned curse).

The Traders: Timely Reinforcements fit here, even though their main intention is to replace life lost from early aggro and phyrexian carelessness. The tokens can be used to hurt opponents, but hopefully will at least trade with other critters. Same with White Sun's Zenith (Rain of Kitties) and Mimic Vat, though both respectively without the life gain.

The Big Threats: Batterskull and Wurmcoil both damage people while putting Reinforcements' life gain to shame. Gideon Jura finishes this small section, complementing the lifelinker's evasive abilities with his post-wrath attacking. Or as I like to affectionately call it, "pulling a William Wallace."

Until next time!

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