Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Decklist - Metakiller [B/W]

So what did I want to talk about that one week? A deck I devised to take on the current meta.

Do realize this was literally made the night before New Phyrexia Game Day, so Big Boy Jace and his Stoneforge Waifu were still around in T2.

---Lands (22)---
x6 Plains
x8 Swamp
x3 Marsh Flats
x1 Mystifying Maze
x4 Terramorphic Expanse

---Creatures (23)---
x2 Abyssal Persecutor
x3 Baneslayer Angel
x4 Leaden Myr
x2 Leonin Relic-Warder
x3 Myr Battlesphere
x3 Palladium Myr
x2 Sun Titan
x4 Wall of Omens

---Artifacts (7)---
x2 Everflowing Chalice
x3 Myr Reservoir
x2 Prophetic Prism

---Spells (8)---
x3 Dispense Justice
x3 Go for the Throat
x2 Smother

---Sideboard (15)---
x4 Sadistic Sacrament
x3 Memoricide
x4 Celestial Purge
x4 Divine Offering

This one kinda looks like a mash between the Myr and Phylactery Lich decks. Suppose if you play with the parts long enough, you'll figure out if they can help in a particular situation or not. The situations aimed for, in this case, are Exarch Combo and Cawblade.

- Marsh Flats, Prophetic Prism and Terramorphic Expanse: Mana fixing. Purely. Said it before with Liches, but this time I purely want them for Sadistic Sacrament. And my usual bad luck.
- Everflowing Chalice, Leaden Myr, Myr Reservoir, and Palladium Myr: Ramp. The Reservoir is aimed at Myr Battlesphere, but we can't forget the disentomb effect.
- Celestial Purge, Divine Offering, Go for the Throat, Leonin Relic-Warder, and Smother: For getting in the way of Exarch Combo as well as Stoneforge Mystic and her weird collecting hobby.
- Dispense Justice: Mostly aimed at Abyssal Persecutor, but I won't complain about slowing down a Batterskull or Blightsteel Colossus with it.
- Abyssal Persecutor, Baneslayer Angel, Myr Battlesphere, and Sun Titan: Win conditions. Sun Titan particularly enjoys long frolics in Zendikar with the Marsh Flats, Relic-Warder, and Wall of Omens. Strange tastes indeed.
- Memoricide and Sadistic Sacrament: Love these things. A 'Sad Sac' eats all the single artifacts those pesky Quest and Cawblade decks. Memoricide, good against combos. One murders Valakut almost completely.

But yeah, that's it. Shame I only got to test it out at one FNM, and not even against the decks it was aimed for. Afterall, a few of these require the little ramp doing their thing to get the drop on or a little luck to turn up, or so I suspect. Oh well, happens.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Recap - Walled Up [G/W] (3-0)

Right, I tell you to expect a post later in the week, and I post a whole month later. I'm so good at this... <.<

Anyways, let's get something up here.

Built this deck a bit before New Phyrexia released. Objective is simple: Ramp into something dangerous. Whether it be a single-serving angel, or a pack of wolves. NPH gave it something fun, though: Beast Within. It eats whatever is a real threat, turning it into something my ten walls can handle.

Walled Up
---Lands (23)---
x8 Forest
x7 Plains
x4 Razorverge Thicket
x4 Sunpetal Grove

---Creatures (24)---
x2 Perimeter Captain
x4 Overgrown Battlement
x4 Wall of Omens
[The rest]

x3 Baneslayer Angel
x1 Iona, Shield of Emeria
x2 Sun Titan
x2 Terastodon
x4 Wolfbriar Elemental
x2 World Queller

---Spells (13)---
x4 Beast Within
x4 Explore
x3 Summoning Trap
x2 White Sun's Zenith [a.k.a. Rain of Kitties]

Summary time!

Forenote: This tournament had a smaller-than-expected turn-out; Six people. Thank you, Independence Day. What this meant was that it wasn't a sanctioned tournament, and therefore we were allowed to use any deck we had. Sucks to not have brought anything other than T2 with me!
Also, I didn't have most of those fancy lands today, so those were substituted by three Terramorphic Expanse and four Forests, respectively. Happens.

Round 1 - [RW] Metalcraft Aggro (2-0)
Game 1 showed him a tad mana-flooded, and Wolfbriar was eager to get out there. Him and two wolves cleaned up the victory. Game 2, well, early Metalcraft and a pair of Galvanic Blasts ate both my World Quellers. My walls stopped any form of attack until Baneslayer did the heavy lifting.

Round 2 - [GRW] Slivers (2-0)
Well, I can't say I expected to face something like this. Fun. One main thought entered my head: I didn't want to hold anything back. Backing up this thought meant exposing my creatures to removal (A wolfbriar in hand restocks the field after a board wipe), but slivers in my experience tend not to play removal, opting for more slivers, preferably those that can do some removing other stuff. The slivers I saw him play; Bonesplitter Sliver (+2/+0), Fury Sliver (doublestrike), Pulmonic Sliver (Flying, "If this card would be put into a graveyard, you may put it on top of its owner's library instead."), Quilled Sliver ("Tap: This permanent deals 1 damage to target attacking or blocking creature."), Sidewinder Sliver (Flanking), Two-Headed Sliver ("This creature can't be blocked except by two or more creatures."), Venser's Sliver (), and Watcher Sliver (+0/+2). Make of that what you will (Slivers, on Gatherer).
Game 1 saw a few wolves, plus a baneslayer. The wolves held off the increasing amounts until a Baneslayer showed up. After two swings, He played Pulmonic Sliver. My response? A wisely-saved Beast Within. He poorly chose to play other slivers on his next turn, saving his Pulmonic for another turn. It fell again to Beast Within, and shortly after so did he. Second game, I saw another threat; Quilled Sliver. Gemhide's made sure he emptied his hand early, but is was the ping-ability that made him dangerous to another Baneslayer. He chose wisely to leave five untapped, buying him time, but a hard-casted Iona showed up, shutting down his white and giving him more to worry about, Quill-wise. Beast Within once again showed up, sabotaging his air defenses. He probably should have attacked more...

Round 3 - [B/U] Artifacts and Stuff (2-1)
Huh, how to describe this one. Had some artifacts, and a few creatures. Before we started, he asked what my favorite card in my deck was. I said Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre. A little fibbing never hurts when I suspect something going on. Game 1 saw him play a few minor critters, Golem's Heart, and Venser's Journal. Why were the latter two so important? They died to Terastodon, that's why. It and some wolves attacked him, until Terastodon got Mind Controlled. No worries, though, a heavilly kicked Wolfbriar afterwards kept up the critical mass I needed to take the win. Before I did though, he attempted a Memoricide, naming Ulamog. Poor guy... not really. Moving on! Game 2 kinda sucked. Sure, I had walls, but I only got a second white mana after, say, turn seven or so. Basically got my ass kicked by a Vampire Nighthawk rather well-equipped. World Queller proved itself worthy, even if it was too uphill to be won. All in all it murdered four creatures and one dangerous artifact. The upside to playing without planeswalker nor non-colored. Game three went quicker; he played little in the first few turns, so I wasted two Beast Withins on his lands. Proved to be for the better, as a Summoning Trap hit Terastodon and blasted more. Hard to win after that much mana-hurt. His elephant/beast combine defended as well as they could, but couldn't hold-up to the suicide pact forged by wolf and cat alike.

Glad I tried out the deck, even if a little hindered by lack of completion. Now to see how it'll fare at an FNM...