Friday, January 21, 2011

Phylactery Dick

First deck post of the new year, and I misspell the title? Nah, totally intentional.

Here's a deck I've been playing around with since roughly mid-October. Started with me looking at a Phylactery Lich and thinking, "Gee, there sure are a lot of artifacts in the new set." First iteration came about around the same time Liquimetal Coating was popular. While people built destructive decks around it, my mindset was more towards aiming the effect at a Land or existing Lich before dropping a second one. Darksteel Axe seemed to be an obligatory include, considering it nearly erased the Lich's main weakness. And Prophetic Prism gave me mana fixing with the added bonus of filling up the hole it left in my hand. Early versions also played with Darksteel Juggernaut for both the amount of artifacts in the deck (A few myr and vampire-favoring equipment can boost numbers) and my inclusion of a certain white spell.

Anyways, here's what it looks like at the moment;

Phylactery Dickery
---Land (23)---
x3 Marsh Flats
x4 Plains
x12 Swamp
x4 Terramorphic Expanse

---Creatures (17)---
x2 Abyssal Persecutor
x3 Baneslayer Angel
x2 Darksteel Myr
x4 Leaden Myr
x4 Phylactery Lich
x2 Wall of Omens

---Artifacts (8)---
x4 Darksteel Axe
x4 Prophetic Prism

---Spells (12)---
x4 Day of Judgment
x4 Dispense Justice
x4 Journey to Nowhere

x3 Kor Firewalker
x4 Leyline of Sanctity
x4 Memoricide
x4 Sadistic Sacrament

- Marsh Flats / Terramorphic Expanse: I'd up one and lower the other, but one must have before one can do. Anyways, they fix up the mana base quite well, considering how important it can be to have that third swamp or that first plains.
- Abyssal Persecutor: Another thing I'd probably play four of. This demon's downside is rarely an issue when 20% of my deck is capable of buggering off the minion when he's no longer needed.
- Darksteel Myr: Indestructible artifacts are great with Phylactery Lich, and this one makes a great wall. Not as good as the Axe, considering the expanded selection of vulnerabilities.
- Leaden Myr: Ramp! I'd rather not risk sticking a Phylactery counter on him, but he fixes black as well as help with a turn three Persecutor.
- Phylactery Lich: The main attraction. 5/5 Indestructible is rather awesome, particularly when most methods of dealing with him aren't too mainstr- metastream? Eh, um... yeah. And with a deck packing maximum Day of Judgment, it can spell "direct damage" to an opponent. As it hits it. Preferably repeatedly. With an Axe. Moving on <.<
- Wall of Omens: I'd replace the Darksteel Myr with two more of these cantrips, if only I took the time to acquire two more. With Besieged coming out, 0/1 buy less time to infect than a 0/4.
- Darksteel Axe: Suck on this, Liquimetal Naturalize decks! Also, a more effective weapon than a Bone-Wand.
- Prophetic Prism: My first non-Darksteel choice for the Lich's weakness. It cantrips, and it filters in ways I could only have dreamed of if only I weren't playing since, ever. But for Standard, it's the only mana filter I have available, and fortunately it rarely lets me down. As a turn two play, it can allow for a turn three Lich and turn four DoJ without annoying things like mana-Myr or say, green. All in all keeps the chroma in check. That metaphor works, right?
- Dispense Justice: Catches offensive creatures off-guard. Metalcraft isn't too important, but can happen. Honestly, the card I'm most displeased with. Used to be Sunspear Shikari's back when there were more equipment. I'm thinking about changing them to Reassembling Skeleton, considering my lack of Bloodghasts and love of post-wrath board recovery. What do you think?

- Firewalkers: Actually thinking about taking them out, but Red Aggro seems a tad high in the current meta.
- Leyline of Sanctity: Can severely hinder mill, direct damage (including Valakut), discard, and other random shenanigans. A shame it can't deal with Venser.
- Sadistic Sacrament, Memoricide: Almost obligatory includes in games two and three. Basically takes potshots at my opponent's strategy, particularly Valakut and Relic Weenie. And in my opinion, this is where a consistent solid turn three black mana pays off the most.

So, that's about it. There's little doubt in my mind that it'll need some adjusting before using it after Besieged. Industructible more useful for surviving wrath effects than it is at enduring -1/-1 counters, afterall...

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