Friday, August 13, 2010

Warp World, Updated

Just wanted to post a quick update to my 'Drazi Warp deck, since it has changed a tad. Surprisingly few introductions from M11.

'Drazi Warp
---Land (24)---
x4 Evolving Wilds
x4 Forest
x4 Khalni Garden
x6 Mountain
x2 Rootbound Crag
x4 Terramorphic Expanse

---Creatures (28)---
x3 Avenger of Zendikar
x4 Bloodbraid Elf
x3 Bogardan Hellkite
x2 Gaea's Revenge
x4 Joraga Treespeaker
x3 Lotus Cobra
x2 Mnemonic Wall
x4 Nest Invader
x2 Rampaging Baloths
x1 Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre

---Spells (8)---
x4 Growth Spasm
x4 Warp World

Change Summary:
+2 Rootbound Crag, -2 Mountain; A change meant for the early game. With the fetchland, it's practically a guaranteed turn 2 untapped dual. Any more though, and I feel like I'd be putting stress on the mana base. It does, however, sacrifice the potential of two post-Warp lands coming into play untapped. A minor inconvenience, as I find Lotus Cobras do most heavy lifting after a warp. A shame I can't get a hold of one more of them...
- -1 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, +1 Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre; I've mentioned wanting to replace She Who Tears the Aeons before, as much as I like her, and now it's done. Ulamog is still a heavy hitter, and still gives me limited mill dodging. Unlike his big sister, though, he's much, much easier to hard cast if need be. As far as experience has taught me, in most games I can net 9 or 11 mana, with 12 being the hardest curb to cross. While 11 isn't the optimal cost, it's still a start.
- -1 It That Betrays, -2 Terastodon, +3 Bogardan Hellkite; I love these guys flavor-wise, and they tend to be awfully fun to warp into. The Hellkites double that utility, giving me something that can eat critters and fry players post-warp, driving my advantage home. Oh, and flying defense! That rarely hurts. I can't wait for a game against Destructive Force in which I flash one of these in after the flames to fry their Titan of choice and bring in the pain.
-2 Ob Nixilis, the Fallen, +2 Rampaging Baloths; Nixilis is a great guy for ending games, but I've gotten tired of games in which he sat in my hand, dead until a Cobra decided to help out. Too much dependence on three specific cards in my deck. Sure I could toss in two swamps, but that would slow down my usual concern of fetching red to afford Warp World. The Baloths give me some landfall play still, with the added bonus of being affordable as soon as turn four.
-1 Goblin Bushwhacker, -1 Madrush Cyclops; I liked the haste idea, alot. But after witnessing a reduction of mass kill in my metagame, and especially after having Madrush as a dead card in hand during too many games, I decided to drop the idea for now. Mayhaps sideboard two Bushwhackers or something, but not maindeck for now.
- -1 Omnath, Locus of Mana; He had his moments, sure. But in a deck full of heavy hitters, he usually wasn't too impressive, offensively. Utility-wise, it's sad to say he rarely helped out. The specific mana costs of Warp World meant he usually could only bog me down with green mana. Great for the green critters, I suppose, but the Treespeakers already do that job just fine :/
- +1 Avenger of Zendikar, +2 Gaea's Revenge; These guys were mostly included to give me something to cast with my mana while waiting for a warp, and not definitely not bad after one!

Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go cry to myself while thinking about the lack of Warp World post rotation.

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